This blog will chronicle my journey from award winning engineer and middle management at The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory for the past 17 years to searching and acquiring a business on main street. I intend on being as transparent as possible along the journey and publish as much as I can so that other can see the day to day of my search and my ultimate acquisition of a company.
Why leave a high paying job with benefits and stability?
A series of events lined up to show me the path for me was to no longer work in a job, but instead to own a job and work to improve an existing company. First Covid-19 swept the globe, well all except Africa. This led to my job fundamentally changing, even though it was only 2 weeks to flatten the curve.
Operation Warp Speed made an unprecedented set of vaccines for a corona virus on an unprecedented timeline, and this after over 20 years of failures. Strangely not one, not two, but three were authorized for human use in the USA, and several others worldwide. This seemed unsafe to me. Then when the vaccine trials were cut short and the placebo group eliminated, I knew something wasn’t right.
I began reading and reading, I began to find the scientific studies. I learned that masks didn’t work, and had been proven scientifically not to work. I learned that social distancing was an experiment that was never tried before, so its efficacy was unknown.
This all led me to send out and email in February 2021 when the vaccines were being made available for those that worked for me. That email stated it was my opinion, but people should consider these 17 questions prior to getting a covid vaccine. It went out to about 70 staff members. JHUAPL demoted me, and disciplined me even though I had broke no policy. I had shown “poor judgement.” I felt it was they who showed poor judgement, and thus began my search for what am I going to do next.
I listened to podcasts, read books, and search the internet. Rightly or wrongly I felt that another engineering job, or managerial job would lead me to the same dilemma in the future. So I was planning to buy a self storage facility and began real estate investing. After listening to Nick Huber’s The Sweaty Startup podcast (, he was talking about buying a business. His example was that you could buy an established sweaty business for 1-2x its annual cashflow. This seemed to be too good to be true. So I looked on locally. Sure enough there was a kitchen and bath remodeling company selling for less than 2x its annual cashflow. I stayed up that night searching Bizbuysell and found a handful I thought were interesting. Not knowing anything about small business acquisition and very little about small business accounting, I realized I needed to learn more. I searched and found Acquisitions Anonymous podcast (, and listened to all their episodes, and that led me to Acquiring Minds podcast (, and I listened to all their episodes. Then since I am dyslexic I listened to the audiobook versions of Buy Then Build, and HBR Guide to Buying a Small Business. This all confirmed that I was going to buy a business as my future path.
Then JHUAPL made the decision even easier. They mandated the vaccine or an approved accommodation by October 15th 2021. I submitted a religious accommodation request. Which after 2.5 months they basically granted me a partial accommodation, and wanted to treat me like a leper. JHUAPL required I wear a mask, social distance, and be tested at a frequency of every other day. This was unacceptable and so I knew my days were numbered. So I put together another list of questions that asked some tough questions. I decided to try to send it out the entire Laboratory of over 8000 employees, but doing so individually. The email is below in its entirety.
Dear <<First Name>>,
My career at APL began in 2004 after graduating from NC State's Accelerated Master's program in Electrical Engineering. I have had the pleasure of working with some of the most upstanding men and women. I attained the level of Principle Professional Staff in 2019 while working as an Assistant Group Supervisor for HPM and RF Engineering Group A1B. In March 2021 I lost that position after sending an email very similar to this one.
The world is in great peril as science, reason, and our moral compasses are being challenged by a virus with an over 99.6% survival rate. I cannot stand idly by and be on the wrong side of history.
"Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth" Albert Einstein
Why does the scientific literature document dozens of studies showing masks don't stop viral spread, and yet we are being coerced to wear them?
What if the only random control trial of cloth masks for viral infections says they are dangerous and increase the risk instead of reduce it?
Where are the statistics that show that masks worked for the last year and a half?
Where are the scientific studies that show quarantining the healthy stops viral transmission? Why do the statistics not show it to be affective?
What if over 400 studies show that the compulsory covid interventions didn't work?
Did our country not help write the Nuremburg code? And now we are going to abandon it?
Why are there separate thresholds used for covid testing if you are vaccinated or not? Cycle thresholds of 28 vs 40 respectively. What purpose could this have if not to skew the numbers of reported cases?
What if the basis for using the PCR test to detect covid19 is flawed and based on SARS from 2003? Why did the CDC withdraw the emergency use authorization for PCR testing at the end of 2021?
Why did our government stop counting breakthrough cases unless they become hospitalized? If not to skew the numbers?
Why is the government calling the current outbreak the pandemic of the unvaccinated, when they finally admit that 97% number of those hospitalized with covid came from only a few states, and from old data from April-June 2021 when most of the country was unvaccinated? Why do they also count those who have had only one jab or two jabs but not past the two week post vaccinated mark or those that don't have their vaccine recorded on the digital health record as unvaccinated? If not to skew the numbers? Might some of these people being injured by the injection?
Why has the government not stopped this experiment that has killed more people than all the other vaccines combine cumulatively over the past 30 years, and doing so in less than 8 months?
Do you think the JHU vaccine verification system (VVS) setup is just to verify these one or two dose injections, or are they planning on a continuous series of required injections? Israel is already talking about the necessity for the 4th injection. Did they conduct any safety trials for these booster shots?
What if your vaccine is only good for 3 months?
Why is natural immunity not considered acceptable, if study after study shows it's far more potent than the vaccines?
What if studies show that there was no benefit to getting the vaccine if you have had covid?
What if there were many doctors and researchers speaking out but being silenced? Some of these doctors wrote a paper showing the science of how dangerous these vaccines really are turning out to be. Can you afford to ignore their warnings?
With the numbers coming out of UK, Israel, Iceland, Malta and other highly vaccinated countries of the vaccine failures, why the mandate?
What is a vaccine if not to stop the spread of a virus? The CDC directors admits the vaccine can't stop the transmission, yet we have a mandate?!
What if there are studies that show that not only can a double injected individual carry the same viral load, but they can actually carry more?
What if the spike protein that the injection either trains your body to produce or is directly injecting actually can cause illness all on its own?
Why if there is no asymptomatic spread are we mandating the vaccine, wearing masks, and allowing lockdowns?
What if the vaccine companies are completely shielded from all liability from harm, as are the doctors, hospitals, and others that administer the injections? What if APL is in a legal grey area as to its indemnity?
What if you could easy see your risk of hospitalization and death from covid and if below the age of 70 your risk of dying from covid is less than that of the flu?
What if by getting the vaccine you actually become more susceptible to the disease that it is supposed to protect you from? And what if the data is showing this is happening?
What if the data actually shows the countries with higher vaccination rates are doing worse?
What if accurate pathology shows the death of 93% those that died shortly after the vaccination was actually caused by the vaccine?
What if a federal judge found the mandate APL is still claiming is coming from the executive branch to be unconstitutional and blocked it, yet APL is moving forward regardless?
What if the government is pushing these "investigational" products on children, when the risk to reward ratio for children is way on the side of the vaccines being way more harmful than helpful? What if that ratio was 117 children must die from vaccine injuries to save 1 child from covid? What if the reason this is being pushed is to get indemnity from prosecution once it gets added to the childhood vaccine schedule? What if that's the reason Pfizer's Comirnaty is not yet available in the US, because it would expose them to liability?
What if we are in an abusive relationship with our government and APL?
How can the lab leadership expect its staff to perform unbiased science and engineering while completely ignoring science in regards to covid19?
What if you can find sources of information about vaccines that are not funded by the pharmaceutical industry, but have difficulty because Google, Facebook, Twitter, Patreon, etc. are hiding them?
What if, what you thought were safe products were in fact not? If you really want to see the lack of science in vaccine safety spend the 9 hours watching one of the only legal depositions on vaccine safety. This deposition of the godfather of vaccines Dr. Stanley Plotkin may seem ridiculously long, but I promise it is disturbing the utter lack of safety in biological products.
I will miss the great folks I have worked with during my career. I am not willing to be a part of this experiment by injecting an experimental substance into my body or to be treated like a leper. If we don't have bodily autonomy, we don't have freedom.
Thank you,
Jordan Novgrod
First They Came For The Communists
First they came for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up,
because I wasn't a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up,
because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn't speak up,
because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me,
and by that time there was no one
left to speak up for me.
Poem by Martin Niemoller about Nazi Germany
I knew sending this email would result in termination before the day was out, but had decided even if one person was saved from further human experimentation it would be worth it. I managed to send somewhere between 3000 and 6649 emails, before JHUAPL cut me off. They fired me and banned me from ever being employed at JHUAPL again. So in essence I burnt the bridges.
I am excited to be looking for a service business I can purchase and run, and to help ensure this great nation can remain free even if just one small business at a time.